The Regulation of Credits System Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM)




  1. Length of Schooling

1.1   The program of TCM and Acupuncture & Tuina 5-year Bachelor Degree is expected to complete in 5 years and allowed to extend to 7 years if necessary. In some special circumstances, the length of schooling can be extended to 8 years after approved by the university.

1.2   The programs of other Bachelor Degree (including Chinese Materia Medica, Chinese Language, etc) are expected to complete in 4 years and allowed to extend to 6 years if necessary. In some special circumstances, the length of schooling can be extended to 7 years after approved by the university.

1.3   The students who study excellently are allowed to augment credits in the term and choose studying modules in advance. After the students complete all credits required, the university can verify their graduation in advance.


  1. Terms

    For most of the programs, there are three semesters in each academic year. In Semester 1 and 2, each semester contains 15 weeks (14 weeks for lecture plus 1 week for examination). In Semester 3, it lasts 9 weeks (4 weeks for various practices, 4 weeks selective courses plus 1 weeks for examination).


  1. Calculation of credit

3.1   The requirement of total credit in each specific program can be seen in the booklet of each program.

3.2   For classes by lectures, 14 study hours count 1 credit.

3.3   For classes by practice,

3.3.1          Any lab or clinical probation, 14-28 study hours count 1 credit (or according to the program booklet).

3.3.2          Clinical practice, graduation research work, every week counts 1 credit.

3.3.3          Some intensive practices can be counted 2 credits every week.

3.4   Any credit can only be achieved after assessment in the modules.


  1. Scoring

4.1 The score of students’ performance in examination or practice will be recorded in the transcript.

4.2 The evaluation of students’ performance will be described by point system as following:




The relations among the scores, grades and cumulative points



Cumulative Point







































4.3 The calculation of credit cumulative point (CCP) and cumulative average point (CAP)

4.3.1 To get CCP, firstly, transfer your score to the corresponding cumulative point, then multiple the credit of the course, that is the credit cumulative point. The formula can be described to:

  Credit Cumulative Point = Credit of the course × Cumulative Point of the examination

4.3.2 The calculation of CAP: CAP comes from the sum of total CCP divided by the sum of credits which the student takes in the certain semester. CAP is the main indicator of measuring the study performance of the student.

Formula of CAP:

    CAP = (Sum of total CCP)/(Sum of total credits)

For example, one student has taken 4 courses, each course has 3 credits. His grades of these examinations are: A, B, C and D. After transferred to the cumulative point, he gets 3.6, 3, 2 and 1, respectively. Then, we can calculate his CCP and CAP.

Grade of Examination A B C D
Cumulative Point 3.6 3 2 1
CCP* 10.8 9 6 3

   *each course has 3 credits

    CAP = (10.8+9+6+3)/(3+3+3+3) = 2.4


4.4 The CCP of all compulsory and selective courses which are listed in the program plan will be counted for the calculation of CAP. CAP is calculated once in every academic year.

4.5 The examination will be held mainly in the closing book modality. Others, such as open book, thesis, etc. will also be adopted. The course instructor will choose the examination modalities according to the teaching requirement and characteristics of the courses. The compulsory course which has 6 credits or above will be required to arrange mid-term examination. The students’ performance in the process of study will also be assessed for the calculation of the final score.


  1. The principle of selecting the courses

5.1   The quantity and order of selecting the courses should be in accordance with the requirements of the program plan.

5.2   Before selecting the courses, the students are asked to read the program plans and course syllabuses carefully and thoroughly which are approved by their respective colleges. When the course selecting order exists, please abide by the selecting order.

5.3   The students are required to select the courses in the certain period of time settled by the university. In the first and second semesters, students can change the selective courses within 2 weeks after the semesters begin, whereas students are not allowed to change their selections in the 3rd semester. After the courses are formally processed, the students are not allowed to change the selected courses intentionally.

5.4   The students who have not made their course selection are not qualified to take the course examination.

5.5   If a student gets: a) the credit required by the program plan at the previous academic year, and b) CAP reaches 2.5 or above, he or she will be presented additional 10 credits for study. If his or her CAP reaches 3.0 or above, he or she will be presented additional 15 credits for study.

5.6   The additional credit is applied to studying the courses of International Education College or selective courses of other colleges. The additional credit cannot be applied to the courses which the student has passed or retaking the compulsory courses. For studying the minor program, the valid period of additional credit will last until the end of the first year after the major program’s graduation.


  1. Retake, exemption from study and audit

6.1   Retake

6.1.1          If the student fails to pass the compulsory course, he or she must retake it. If the student fails to pass the selective course, he or she could retake it or change to study another. The student does not need to pay for the first retake, whereas he or she needs to pay for the next retakes or other courses more than those listed in the program plan. If the student is not satisfied with the scores he or she gets from the past courses, he or she may apply for the retake and pay for them. In the courses with laboratory or learn on the job, the student could retake lecture part if he or she has past the laboratory or learn on the job, whereas must retake both if he or she has failed in the laboratory or learn on the job.

6.1.2          Generally, the main retake will begin with the next round of courses. Those individual retake courses will be arranged by the university according to the specific situation in every academic year and be selected in the 3rd semester.

6.1.3          The score of first retake will be recorded on its real examination score, whereas the maximal scores of the second or above retakes will only be recorded as 70.

6.1.4          The fare of retake or additional course study will be charged according to the tuition standard which the student pays in the year of entering the university.

6.2   Exemption from study and audit

6.2.1          The student who has acquired the degree of medicine in China or abroad may apply for exemption from study after being verified by the TCM Teaching Center: (1) the course which the student has studied is as same as the compulsory course in our program plan; (2) the course which the student has studied is as same as the selective course in our program plan; (3) the studying hours of the course are equivalent or beyond two thirds of the hours of the course in our program plan, and passed in the examination. After verification, the student will be recorded as getting the credit with the score he or she has got in other school.

6.2.2          If the course which the student has studied is similar to the compulsory and/or selective course in our program plan, or the studying hours of the course are less than two thirds of the hours of the course in our program plan with pass in the examination, the student may apply for exemption from audit of that course from TCM Teaching Center, but the student must take and pass the examination in order to getting the credit of the course.

6.2.3          The student must apply for exemption from study or audit to Office of Foreign Student Affairs in the certain period when: (1) the first week in 1st and 2nd semester; (2) within 2 weeks before the 3rd semester begins. The application will be sent to the course instructor and director for verification. If the application is approved, it will be return and kept by TCM Teaching Center which will inform the program coordinator and course instructor in written form.

6.2.4          In general condition, the students are not allowed to apply for exemption from study or audit in the sections of practice, such as physical education, laboratory, clinical probation and round practice, etc.

6.2.5          For student transferred from other university with excellent score, or the student who has achieved the Bachelor Degree of Medicine, he or she may apply for the exemption from audit within the regulated period. For this student, he or she will be allowed to take part in other selective courses.


  1. Minor, Double Degree Program

7.1   Minor

7.1.1          Student who has been learning more than one year and verified capability in course learning is allowed to study other programs.

7.1.2          If student has fulfilled the required credit of minor program, he or she can apply TCM Teaching Center for verification of completing minor program 2 months before graduation. After verification, the university will present certificate of minor program or course transcript according to related regulations.

7.1.3          If student cannot fulfill all courses required by minor program, the credits which he or she has achieved in minor courses can be calculated as selective courses credits.

7.1.4          Student is allowed to fulfill the minor program within one year after the graduation of major program.

7.2   Double Degree Program

Student who achieves 3.0 or above in CAP in the 1st and 2nd academic year, or completes all courses (including practice) of program can apply for Double Degree Program. After verified by IEC and approved by the college which supplies the second program, student may study the Double Degree Program. If student achieves the required CAP of Double Degree Program, the university will present the Double Degree Certificate according to the Regulation of Academic Degree.


  1. Conditions and rules of applying for studying in Chinese student class

8.1   Student may apply for studying in Chinese student class when: (1) achieving 1st year’s credits in program; (2) qualified in examinations of all courses and CAP reaching 3.6 or above.

8.2   Rules of application

8.2.1          Student can present his or her application to Student Affairs Office in written form at the end of 2nd semester in 1st academic year;

8.2.2          At the end of 3rd semester, TCM Teaching Center verifies the scores of student and contacts with related colleges;

8.2.3          At one week before the beginning of new academic year, Student Affairs Office notifies the student transferring to related college for studying in Chinese student class, if the application is approved.


  1. Score affirmation for student transferred from other university

9.1   The transferred student must study the courses in program which he or she has not studied in the previous school;

9.2   If student gets “qualified” in the non-examination course in the emigrant university, the score will be recorded as 60. If the non-examination course is classified to compulsory course in our program, student must retake this course, no matter student has achieved qualified or not;

9.3   The credits of courses which the transferred student has studied in the emigrant university and are not included in his or her current program plan can be recorded in the selective courses credits, if the student passes these courses. If the courses which are included in his or her current program plan, no matter the student passes them or not, the courses cannot be recorded for scholarship application.

9.4   The scores of the courses which the student has studied in the emigrant university and are verified by the university can be recorded for the application of academic degree.

9.5   The transferred student can acquire the relevant credits for study to the tuition he or she pays.


  1. Written Form Warning, Academic Probation, School Leaving

10.1    Written Form Warning: If the student fails to get credits in 50% or above of courses which are required according to the program plan in one academic year, he or she will be warned in written form. Student will be forced to leave school by 3 accumulative written form warnings (including academic probation).

10.2    Academic Probation:

11.2.1 If student fails to get credits in 50% or above of the courses which are required according to the program plan at the end of the 2nd semester, our college will inform the student Academic Probation in written form.

11.2.2 In the one-year’s period of Academic Probation, student is only allowed to study the courses required by the program plan in the past two academic years. If the student fails to acquire the required credits after one-year’s academic probation, he or she will be asked to School Leaving. Student Affairs Office will provide the report of School Leaving in written form to the college for approval by the Dean.


  1. Clinical Practice for graduation

Student who wants to be allowed to clinical practice for graduation must acquire 95% or above credits of compulsory courses and 85% or above credits of selective courses in program plan. If not, the student is not allowed to begin the clinical practice for graduation. During the clinical practice for graduation, student will not be permitted to take part in the new selective courses which are not in clinical round schedule. For retaking courses, student may be allowed to take part in 1 or 2 courses per semester after verified by TCM Teaching Center.


  1. Graduation, Academic Degree, Completing the Courses, Studying Experience

12.1    The student who has identity of SHUTCM and completed all courses and fulfilled the credits required by the program plan will be conferred the graduation certificate by the university.

12.2    If the student’s CAP of total courses (required by the program plan) reaches 2.0 or above and verified, he or she is expected to be approved for relevant academic degree by the University Academic Degree Committee, according to the Regulation of Academic Degree of People’s Republic of China.

12.3    The student who has identity of SHUTCM will be conferred the Certificate of Completing the Courses in the circumstances of: (1) not acquiring total required credits at graduation and need to fulfill 10 credits or less; (2) fails to get credits in some compulsory courses or practice section at graduation.

12.4    Certificate of Studying Experience is given to the students who fails to acquire the total required credits but has studied one fifth or above courses listed in the program plan.

12.5    Student whose CAP reaches 3.0 or above in every academic year can apply for the graduate study (Master Degree) exemption from entry examination. The quota of graduate study without entry examination is 10% of total graduate students.


  1. Registration

Student is asked to register at the beginning of every academic year. Which grade the student will register is determined by the achieved credits and the required credits by the program plan.


This Regulation is applied to the foreign students in SHUTCM. IEC is in charge of interpretation of the Regulation.